Do you sell locally? Take advantage of free marketing for your farm
1. Create a free farm profile on Peterborough Farm Fresh
The benefits:
- you can update your profile any time you want
- your farm products are searchable by consumers
- you can specify how you sell your products (eg farmgate, CSA, farmers' market) and consumers can search for you that way as well
- the site accommodates all kinds of products and experiences
- you are promoted through the website even if you don't sell food
- you can help the stores and restaurants that are your customers by naming them!
2. Tag @localfoodptbo whenever you make a social media post
Local Food Peterborough manages Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts with the handle @localfoodtpbo
If you tag @localfoodptbo, your posts will be selectively shared with the many public followers of these accounts in Peterborough. Posts about non-food products will also be shared as long as the products are grown here.
This service is open to farms outside Peterborough County if they are targeting local consumers eg.they are part of local farmers' markets. That is because building local food systems and the farm economy is a regional undertaking!
Visit this website: where there are links for the public under "Find Farms"