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Local Agricultural Organizations

Find local agricultural organizations in the Peterborough area, listed alphabetically.

Recognized local organizations may create an account, enabling them to easily post news and events.

East Central Christian Farmers Association
CFFO district logo 2021

East Central CFA is one of the districts of Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO), an Accredited Farm Organization representing the interests of  farm families in Ontario who are called to the vocation of farming. CFFO policy promotes economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable farming, advocating that farmers receive fair return for their production and stewardship efforts.

East Central Hereford Zone
Farms at Work
Farms at Work logo

Farms at Work's aim is to build a vibrant farming community and food system in east central Ontario. Since 2010, staff and volunteers have pursued this goal through workshops and field courses, supporting access to farmland especially for new entrants, promoting environmental stewardship and the protection of farmland. Farms at Work is a non-profit organization with no core funding from any government source, relying on grants, revenue from events and donations to support its activities.
National Farmers Union - Ontario, Local 345
National Farmers Union - Ontario logo

The National Farmers Union - Ontario is an accredited farm organization committed to:

  • Grassroots democracy ensuring you have a voice;
  • Promoting environmentally-safe farming practices; and
  • Advocating for small and medium sized farms.

Local 345 is a regional chapter of the NFU-O, organized by president Elizabeth Stocking.

Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association
Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, Grassroots Innovation since 1939

We are a unique not-for-profit organization that represents all commodity groups across the province. We are leaders in Producer education, Association development, Program delivery, and Consumer outreach.  We offer free workshops such as the Environmental Farm Plan and Biosecurity as well as cost-share opportunities.
Peterborough Agricultural Roundtable
Peterborough Agricultural Roundtable

The Peterborough Ag Roundtable was created in 2018 to bring together all farmers in Peterborough - regardless of size, commodity or choice of political affiliation with any of the three provincial general farm organizations - to identify important local issues and develop consensus on local issues affecting the future of the farm community. For more information, visit
Peterborough County 4-H Association
Ptbo 4H logo

Peterborough County 4-H Association is a board of directors that oversee the 4-H program in Peterborough County and are the voice between the 4-H volunteers and 4-H Ontario
Peterborough County Cattlemen's Association
Peterborough County Cattlemen's Association

The People you Trust to Feed Your Family
Peterborough County Federation of Agriculture
Peterborough County Federation of Agriculture

To develop and consolidate farmer opinion for the promotion of any activity within the county which will improve the welfare of the individual farmer, the farming industry and the community.
707 members in Peterborough County
to bring the viewpoints and concerns of the membership to the Ontario Federation of Agriculture for policy development and action
to interpret O.F.A. policy to all farmers in the county
to promote information sharing and networking
to promote and participate in cultural, social and leadership development

Peterborough County Junior Farmers
Peterborough County Junior Farmers

Junior Farmers Association of Ontario provides opportunities for young people age 15-29 of all backgrounds, but especially those in rural Ontario, to take on the challenge of exploring their individual talents and potential to develop personally while being involved in bettering their communities, networking, and having fun. ​